Hamid Abbaszadeh

C++ Developer of Informatics Services Corporations(ISC)Company

Pathfinding project in c++

Benjamin Bannekat

BFS, DFS(Recursive & Iterative), Dijkstra, Greedy, & A* Algorithms. These algorithms are used to search the tree and find the shortest path from starting node to goal node in the tree.

For the corresponding Github repository click here.


Blind search algorithms such as breadth-first and depth-first exhaust all possibilities; starting from the given node, they iterate over all possible paths until they reach the goal node. These algorithms run in O(V+E), or linear time, where V is the number of vertices, and E is the number of edges between vertices.

However, it is not necessary to examine all possible paths. Algorithms such as Greedy, Dijkstra’s algorithm, and A* eliminate paths either using educated guesses(heuristics) or distance from source to node V to find the optimal path. By eliminating impossible paths, these algorithms can achieve time complexities as low as O(E log(V)).