

Actually this is a part of a big project that i have ever this part i tend to focus on menu structure.

Benjamin Bannekat


The following project contains the source code and examples used for iso 8583 standard implementation.

Benjamin Bannekat

SearchEngine Application in C++

In this project i want to implement a mini search engine by Trie Algorithm

Benjamin Bannekat

Pathfinding project in c++

BFS, DFS(Recursive & Iterative), Dijkstra, Greedy, & A* Algorithms. These algorithms are used to search the tree and find the shortest path from starting node to goal node in the tree.

Benjamin Bannekat

The UNIX System V and POSIX specifications

Some recent tasks at work highlighted some obvious gaps in my working knowledge of Linux inter-process communication (IPC). I spent some personal time brushing up on things I had used before and learning about some mechanisms that I had not used before.

Benjamin Bannekat

Maze Game in c++

In order to figure out how to traverse a maze through code, we first need to understand what depth-first search is. Depth-first search (sometimes referred to in this article as DFS) is a graph/tree traversal algorithm that follows a path as far as it can until it either, reaches the goal or has nowhere else to go. It’s almost like running as far as you can in one direction until you hit a wall.

Benjamin Bannekat